b'34 Business Advancement- Part 4A series highlighting regular people in our industry who overcame obstacles By Theresa Colbert already had all the tools since hecrippling in many other ways. For T his month, I interviewedran his own BMW auto repairinstance, we spent usually about Elgin Frye of Viking Usedshop for years. So, we decided to$15-$30 adding fitment to our fit-Auto Parts in Oroville, CA.try out a business model by run- ment tables on all our eBay list-Elgin is a relative newcomer toning a few cars in 2014. Itings initially. We actually paid the automotive recycling businessworked wonderfully, and we have$150 to have a scrap yard haul and has been through a terriblebeen doing it and loving it everaway all our metal in a metal bin hardship when they lost every- since. every few weeks when we started thing in the Paradise, CA fire.Theresa: What do you wish- usually you get paid for that! We you knew about this businessdo get paid now, but silly little Theresa: Elgin, thanks sobefore you started? things like that were total much for talking to me. When didElgin: Wow, the list is end- unknowns to us. you start business? less. We did not know anything Elgin: July 2014 and were terrible about every-Theresa: I know you were notthing at first. However, we wereWe had nothing after in automotive work before thatvery aware (and still are) thatthe fire except the time. What did you do before recy- there is so much to learn and soknowledge of how to cling? much we can do better, and webuild a profitable Elgin: Certified Publicjust keep striving for that. Specif-Accountant working as an Auditically, we didnt know how todismantling company.Manager take apart cars (my brother did, Theresa: A CPA? WOW!but I didnt, and I was our first Why on earth did you get intodismantler - it took me about 2-3Theresa: Now I wonder auto recycling? weeks to take apart a car), whereabout the fire and COVID? How Elgin: It has been a dream ofto sell the parts when we gothave these two things affected mine to own my own businessthem, how to determine whatyour business?since about ten years-old. I alwaysthey fit (wow, that caused a lot ofElgin: PG&E started the loved the idea of being able toreturns that first year or two!),"Camp Fire" that wiped out the reap the rewards of hard work,what to price them at, or how totown of Paradise (where we were rather than working for someoneship them once they sold. We alsolocated), and completely leveled else and hoping for the scraps offhad no idea that there was fitmentour facility. Hands down, rebuild-their table. They kick you a bonussoftware or that there was fitmenting our business from the ground here or there, or a raise, but itsoftware that would push directlyup was the most difficult thing we pales in comparison to what canto website and online selling chan- had to do. We had nothing after be earned by a really successfulnels, which has been a hugethe fire except the knowledge of entrepreneur. I wouldnt say wereimprovement! how to build a profitable disman-there yet, but just knowing that ifTheresa: What obstacles didtling company. All our vehicles I want to work harder, I can earnyou have to overcome, startingburned. All our equipment more. if I want to work less andout in a new industry? burned. Our facility burned. We prioritize other things, no one isElgin: The main thing is, weeven had three cars we purchased going to tell me I cant. So, whydid not know much, and we did- the day before ready to be deliv-auto recycling? I did not have ant have anyone to ask. There areered (our transport guys were actu-technical skill other than account- no good books on how to start aally driving them up the day of ing, but accounting is not verydismantler business. We did notthe fire when we told them not to interesting to me. I have just beenknow what to expect and whatcome near the town). Thankfully, naturally good with numbers sinceresults were good or typical ofthey held them at their house for I was little. So, I knew I had toour industry. I think sometimesus until we could find a facility. partner with someone who had athis ended up being a good thingOur new place is ten times bigger technical skill that was interest- for us because we had to thinkthan our last place and much ing. My brother is an ASE Masterabout everything and figure out amore suitable for us; however, it Mechanic and it was his idea toway that we thought made theis much more expensive as well go into auto dismantling. Hemost sense; however, it was alsoand so we had to ramp up our'