b'38 International eBay for business and repairersin for repairs, with the cost of parts The tide is changing and with this change comes theaccounting for around 50% of the total opportunity for recyclers and repairers to support onerepair cost, while on average 15-20% of another and shift the industry like never before. claims are deemed uneconomical repairs or total loses.By Chris Daglis Parts prices have consistently A s the cost of car repairscurrently using ROE parts for approxi- increased as supply chains have become mately 2% of collision, which is lowermore complex and expensive. The continues to rise, demand isthan many otherdeveloped countries.newly added strain on the supply chain growing for reclaimed originalThe analysis I have completed on behalfcaused by the global pandemic has equipment (ROE) parts in collisionof several insurers in the past 18 monthsalready started impacting both supply repairs. This increase, and the currentin the UK has identified an opportunityability and pricing. Of course, as a result gap in the UK compared to otherto increase this figure to well over 10%. of the current low claims volumes as we developed countries, has seen signifi- come out of lockdown, this phenome-cant investments made by big insurers,non may not have manifested itself yet, the VRA Certification Ltd (VRAC) andParts prices havebut is on the way.eBay UK. consistently increasedEven before the global pandemic ROE parts offer an opportunity forimpacted supply chains there has been a all stakeholders to: as supply chains haveshift in demand for ROE parts for & Increase profitabilitycolissionbecome more complexcollision repairs, which opens up a repairer and supplier. window of opportunity for bodyshops in & Reduce costinsurer andand expensive. the UK to capitalise on this.customer. In the background, over the past 18 & Improve environmental out- months, time, effort and a significant comeseveryone. There are more than five millioninvestment has been made to build vehicles involved in road accidents inalternative solutions and accessibility to Rise and ROE part the UK each year (pre-Covid-19).quality parts. There has been investment It is estimated that the UK isApproximately 84% of these vehicles gomade in the future model, and the'