b"18 BusinessSales Counters That Pay .are critical in a time such as thisBy Chad Counts and Robert CountsAutomotive Recycling ConsultantsW hat your company needs the most is optimistic leadership. Your staff are looking for someone to provide them with direction. There is so much negative thought, both in mainstream media and on social media; so, positive words need to be spoken to your staff. Negativity is deadly at the sales counter. You needwhether it is an in-stock part or an out ofwhy we need this department running on your sales staff to be as cheery as theystock part. They will take advantage ofall cylinders, now more than ever.can be. Be the ones who speakthis time to take as much of the marketIf you can rise to meet this positively to your customers, both withas they can.challenge, you will reap the rewards in your presence and with your obviousthe end. This virus will end and your desire to fill the customers need. company will prosper. As owner, sales manager, etc., you will determine how Start every day with this You may not bethis will play out. If you think you can I would suggest you start everydayprofitable these next fewor you think you cant, you are right.by reminding your sales staff that todaymonths, but you can stayYou can't control what happens to you, and every day, for the next month or so,but you can control how you respond to they will be about helping every caller.open and stay strong init. Those that take control of what they It is going to be about what we as ayour market. can control, will be the ones who will be company can do to help each caller. in control of the their market place once Especially in this challenging time,this has passed. all calls are precious and need to beDuring this time, we have received treated that way. You need your salesTurn them loose many calls, texts and emails about how to counter to be highly focussed on closingYou need to turn your sales staffapproach this challenge. We continue to sales at every opportunity. If your salesloose on making deals. You need towork with sales staff and managers to calls are slowing, you especially need tobecome flexible on anything that mightencourage them to make it happen. Most close every sales call. Most salescreate a barrier to a close. You haveof our training still occurs before the counters close less than half the callsalready invested heavily in the stock yousales counter opens or after it closes. they receive. More than ever, price ishave. Whether it is purchase costs,More valuable than ever is constant king. Many retail customers have lessdismantling costs, etc., what you needencouragement and coaching. Think money and they need a vehicle tonow is money to keep flowing. It isabout how to organize your company to provide access to the basics for themeasier to maneuver a ship when it is inbe flexible, productive and profitable and their families.motion than when it is barely moving.during this time. It is critical. Please let Since you are open, your goal is tous know if we can help you in any way to at least cover overhead. You may not beFind positive solutions get through this time.profitable these next few months, butThink about what your production you can stay open and stay strong inand delivery departments can do to your market. The biggest obstacle youassist with getting parts into the hands have is keeping your company andof your customers. Can you offer especially your sales team focussed onreduced shipping costs? Can you put closing every call. As the saying goesproduct in a box and deliver it to their every obstacle has an opportunity anddoor? Can you open earlier, later or on every opportunity has an obstacle. weekends?I can guarantee you that the LKQsOne department in our company isRobert Counts Chad Countsof the world are out there trying to buyresponsible for almost all of the profit every piece of salvage and close everygenerated. As they say, sales cures all! Chad: crcounts@gmail.com. Cell: 512-963-4626 call. They are, or will be, lowering theirWhen sales are good, most problems areRobert: robert@sbcglobal.net. Cell: 512-653-6915 net profit expectations on every piece ofmanageable. When sales are bad, everyWebsites: www.cbcdashboard.comsalvage and on every part. That isproblem seems insurmountable. This iswww.countsbusinessconsulting.com."