b"4 Success motivation Auto Recyclers ToolBoxHow important is your band in a time of crisis?During these crisis days, co- No room for egos!workers may have new needs.The third concept that we need to Second, honor everyone'slearn and understand, about working unique abilities. In a band, sometogether as a band, may sound a little people are up-front and veryunusual coming from rock stars. Theres noticeable, like the lead singer.no room for egos. Lets take the advice Others, like the bass player,of Grammy Award winner and producer barely get noticed at all. A smartQuincy Jones. He worked on the USA rock star makes sure that every- for Africa hunger project with over 40 one in the band gets recognized. A-list artists producing the song We Do you know who BillAre the World. Jones put a sign on the Weinman is?How about Mickstudio door that said, Check your ego Jagger? Bill Weinman was theat the door.bass player for the RollingEgo is almost always what breaks Stones. When interviewed aboutup a band. Some bands like U 2 the Stones, Mick Jagger repeat- endure and become legendary while edly spoke about Billother bands cease to exist. What keeps a Weinmans talent as a baseband together is humility. A bandor By Mark Kampplayer. Guess what? Thats whybusinessleader with confident humil-the Stones are still together. (Theyre allity and who is not overcome with ego aka Marvelless Markknows that the band is better together. A J ust like its true in business, itseligible for AARP, but theyre stillrock star business leader is one who is together.)receptive to suggestions for improve-true for a band. If you want to drivement and will take time for self-change and achieve your goals, youreflection, listening to the feedback that have to surround yourself with the righthe or she gets from the other band mem-kind of people. You want to create theA rock star businessbers.right kind of culture and relationshipsleader realizes that every-that allow everyone to effectively workone plays a vital role forBottom line during this crisistogether. Synergy like that doesnt hap- We need each other now more than pen by accident. Job descriptions andthe success of the businessever. We need to be honest, transparent, interviews must be thorough. Appli- and everyone should behave an open line of communication, cants must know your vision.valued for that part.and celebrate with your band when this crisis ends. In the words of Brian Tracy, Steve Jobs business model Success comes before work only in the Do you know what Steve Jobs busi- dictionary.Performing together in ness model is? My model of businessthese three ways will create success is The Beatles. They were four very tal- The same is true with your busi- whether in a crisis or normal working ented guys who kept their negative ten- ness. You have to allow each person toconditions. dencies relatively in check. They bal- showcase his or her skill and then honorRock on!anced each other and the total wasthat person for his or her contribution. greater than the sum of its parts. AndIts been said about the Rolling Stones thats how I see business. Great thingsthat Mick Jagger makes them famousMarvelless Mark - Rock Star Keynote Speaker - in business are never done by one per- and Keith Richards, their guitarist,Las Vegas Headliner - Rock Star Engagement Guru. son; they are done by a great team ofmakes them a band. Some of you suc- Marvelless Mark has been helping businesses achieve people.cessfully market your business whileRock Star Results for over 20 years. His wisdom from There are three concepts that weothers make it work on a day-by-dayyears of sales, small business, and entrepreneurial expe-need to learn and understand aboutbasis. A rock star business leader real- rience blends in perfect harmony with his success as an international touring entertainer, Las Vegas Headliner, working together as a band, especiallyizes that everyone plays a vital role forreality TV star, and best selling author. Marks book, in time of a crisis. First, put the bandthe success of the business and every- Opportunity Rocks: Be A Rock Star In Business and first. Its that simpleput the business orone should be valued for that part. Dur- Beyond was featured on CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC, USA the band first. Our good friend Stevening this pandemic, some workers mayToday and Small Business Trendsetters. Mark has shared his Rock Star Success principals with companies like, Tyler from Aerosmith said, As good asmove to the forefront to meet new chal- IBM, SONY, ERA, Better Homes and Gardens, Burger I am, I am nothing without my band.lenges.King, Pfizer, American Express, PPG, X-PELL and more."