b"38 Lets Talk Recalls. Auto Recyclers ToolBoxCrisis and OpportunityYour Time to ShineLeadership in Good and Bad TimesBy Paul DAdamo sions for the current situation that youand parts everywhere, it might be time and Katie Stark would not have made pre-crisis. to scrub the place down, throw some T he COVID-19 pandemic willThere are many reasons why wecheap paint on the walls, and get ready Why we dont change for post COVID-19. The same is true surely go down as the biggest for our indoor / outdoor dismantling crisis in our lifetime. We alldont change such as; family traditions,areas, shipping, and warehouse space. remember the housing crisis in 2008old ways weve always done it thisOne of my favorite quotes when clean-and 911 in 2001. Most people are notway, and people that are resistant toing up our operation was When in aware, but we had a Banking Crisis inchange, including you. Now might beDoubt, Throw it Out. Sorry but this is Rhode Island during the early 90sthe time to disrupt what was the normwhere my OCD kicks in. I hate messes where the Governor closed 45 Creditand plan for a new way while there isand I believe our employees and cus-Unions and Banks creating runs on theuncertainty. Your employees might betomers would prefer nice and clean remaining banks and shutting approxi- open to new ideas because they fear thatversus dumpy and chaotic. Now is mately a third of RI residents out ofjobs are on the line. Only you can createyour time. their bank accounts. Being new to run- opportunity when things look bleak. Inventory Shakedown of loose ning a business, this one event wouldparts inventory and vehicle hulks in the prove to be a valuable Crisis Manage- yard. Inventory is like produce. When ment Lesson for the future. One com- Nothing has prepared youfruit and vegetables stay on the vines mon thread in each of these crises wastoo long, what happens? They rot. In my that they all passed and each time wefor this but that is whatmany visits to recycling facilities, I have came out stronger than we were before.business is all about:seen many parts and vehicles left to rot The COVID-19 pandemic is more per- Situational Leadership . on the vine. Take charge, make deci-vasive across most industries than anysions, prioritize your daily work plans to previous crisis and I am afraid it willhave tangible results. The parts and vehi-get worse before it gets better. We needcles that need to go may have value as to rely on ARA for critical informationTakata Recalls cores or as scrap. and fellow Recyclers to manage ourA number of Recyclers have been way one day at a time. calling RAS over the past two weeksIt will endinquiring about Takata recalls. EvenThere will be an end to COVID-19. Heavy responsibility though the program has been in exis- No one is sure when that will happen, As Business Owners, you bear atence since 2015, many people havebut it will. What you do between now heavy responsibility with COVID-19,resisted participating for a variety of rea- and then could be the deciding factor to keeping your family, employees, andsons. I can guarantee that when we bringthe future of your business. Remember, customers safe has become responsibil- them on board with our tools, they willthe entire supply chain of New Original ity #1. Fear can be all-consuming in anyrealize that they should have been pull- Equipment, Vehicles, and Parts has crisis, but it is in these times when weing these bags sooner. They will realizecome to a standstill. Your opportunity is dig deeper than ever before. As Leaders,that it is easier to do than originallyto be ready when customers need parts we need to project calm, patience, andthought and that they have been missingto repair their vehicles and ROE (Recy-develop plans on the fly. Nothing hasa revenue stream all this time. Espe- cled Original Equipment) will be prepared you for this but that is whatcially where we now pay for deployedneeded to fulfill pent up demand. business is all about: Situational Lead- air bags and you dont have to pullGod Bless and Stay Safe!ership. You will make changes and deci- them. #YANKTHATBAGGet ready forGot Questions?Want to see the ToolBox faster? post COVID- Call the recall guy:401-458-9080 or 19 email: pdadamo@coresupply.com for more information You can see the digital version by emailHouse-days before it arrives to you in the mail! keeping is another area where we fall behind. It might be busy-work but perception is reality. If your office is aKatie Stark and Paul D'AdamoKatie the Recall Gal and Paul the Recall Guy mess with a hun- represent the RAS Recall Team. Their Mission is to https://www.recyclerstoolbox.online/receive-the-magazine dred old radiosrid the planet of defective Airbags ."