b"8 Auto Recyclers ToolBoxOpportunities Lost Reform: Be clear about how regu-latory and competitive environments in the industry may shift.But Insight Gained! COVID-19 Collectively, these five stages may represent the imperative of our time: the Donald Porter battle against COVID -19 is one that the CEO United Recyclers Group, LLC. leaders of today must win to find an eco-We also need tonomically and socially viable path to the A s you are probably aware, therealize the next normalnext normal. We also need to realize the URG Educational Conferencemay be different than thenext normal may be different than the for April had to be cancelled aspast normal. past normal. We need to be able to adapt a result of the COVID19pandemic. our business philosophy and operational The URG staff and I were very excitedmodel to the NEW NORMAL!about the fantastic slate of speakers andConference for the protection and safetyUtilize the new federal regulations events we had lined up and the greatof all concerned. We shifted resources toto their fullest.Understand the complex time we were going to have. Well, thework on new business strategies to helpinterplay between Families First best laid plans don't always go as youour members continue their businessCoronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) intend! Each year the URG staff comesoperations and determined the bestand the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and up with a conference theme that definesmeans to provide needed support.WeEconomic Securities (CARES) Act.the direction, content and message weincreased our focus on technology andMake certain you complete a thorough want to share with the attendees. Thisproduct development and initiated arisk, benefit and financial analysis to years' theme was 2020 VISION: Bringwork from home business solution. determine the most effective business Your Business Into Focus. What is thatWhat will it take to win the COVIDstrategy to follow.old saying?Hindsight is 2020!As the 19 battle? How do we navigate this cri- Remember, we have a common phrase implies, it is often easier tosis?I wonder whether it will be our turngoal.We are all going through this know the correct course of action afterto answer the question we once askedtogether. We need to work together to something has already happened. our grandparents: What did you do dur- make sure all our businesses survive this Who could have expected in 2019ing the war? battle.It took all of us to make this that in 2020 we would be facing this cri- industry great and it will take all of us to sis? The coronavirus outbreak is, firstFive stages to the next normal restore that greatness after the battle is and foremost, a human tragedy affect- An article written by Kevin Sneaderwon and the crisis is over.ing hundreds of thousands of people.Itand Shubham Singhal of McKinsey &I started this article talking about is having a growing impact on the USCompany suggests that there is a call forvision and I might as well close it with and Global economies and having abusinesses to act across five stages, fromtwo quotes from visionaries of the past. dynamic effect on small businesses ofthe crisis today to the next normal, afterVision without action is a daydream. all kinds.the virus is beaten. The stages areAction without vision is a nightmare. In reading trade publications and lis- resolve, resilience, return, re-imagina- Japanese Proverb.tening to business leaders around thetion and reform. Vision animates, inspires, trans-country, we are finding that a numberResolve:We need to address theforms purpose into action. Warren of organizations are re-evaluating them- immediate challenges that COVID-19Bennis.selves and their operations, trying torepresents to the institution's workforce,If we work together and lend sup-gain efficiencies and cut costs.Execu- your customers, technology and busi- port to one another, we can survive and tives are taking pay cuts and askingbecome stronger.We look forward to their employees to do the same.Someness partners. Good effective communi- seeing you April 8th, 9th and 10th 2021 in employees are being placed on fur- cation to the employees and throughoutDallas!loughs.Many companies are downsiz- the business is imperative. Good luck and may God Bless all of ing by letting non-essential and part- Resilience:Address near-termyou and your families!cash management challenges and time employees go!Other small busi- broader resiliency issues during nesses, including some recyclers, arevirusrelated shutdowns and economicDon Porter-CEO,United Recyclers Group - Don retired as a just closing the doors with no intent onknockon effects.PropertyandCasualtyClaim re-opening them. Return: Create a detailed plan toConsultantinStateFarm At URG we started working on ourreturn your business to scale quickly asInsuranceCompanyscorporate pandemic strategy early. In February,ofceinBloomington,Illinois COVID-19 evolves and the knockonAugust 1, 2012. He is a graduate of we ceased business travel for all URGeffects become clearer. Texas Tech University in Lubbock, employees. Our Member Relation Spe- Re-imagination: Re-imagine theTexas. Don has in excess of 34 cialists began weekly educationalyears in the Insurance industry. His passion for the next normal: what a discontinuous shiftrecycledpartsandsalvageindustriesmakeshima webinars to stay in touch with our cus- looks like and the implications for howvaluable contributor to industry committees and business tomers. We cancelled our Educationalthe institution should re-invent itself. management information providers. www.u-r-g.com"