b'Industry Spotlight Auto Recyclers ToolBox 19W heelspotters movie was scheduled to be shown at theWatch instantly URG Training Conference which was canceledby scanning the QR code at because of the corona virus pandemic. A scene fromright with your the movie uses a custom deck of playing cards to show the fastestcell phone way of sorting wheels. Watch movie at https://www.facebook.com/WheelSpotterApp/videos/201378294309106/. Or you can watch movie instantly by scanning the QR code at upper right with your cell phone.WheelSpotter app is the official Hollander Interchange wheel and wheel cover app. Use instead of the Hollander Wheel Manual, which is no longer printed. Salvage Auto Data LLC is the developer of the WheelSpotter app and was founded by Joe Sieger.WheelSpotterapp is the fastestwheel sorterJoe Sieger - . This custom deck of playing cards will illustrate the fastest way to sort a wheel into an Expensive pile or a Scrap pile when the part number of the wheel is unknown.'