b"Auto Recyclers ToolBox 37COVID-19 - What Will may seem right now, it will pass. What you do or don't do will be remembered The New Normal Be? long after this is over. Your employees are your company's greatest asset, and we will all need them when this crisis By Marty Hollingshead portion of what we will all lose.ends. W hether you are a small busi- In times of crisis, this is whereOne of the wisest persons in my life good leadership is critical. Employeeswas Erwin Bud Zalon from C & J ness owner, a fortune 500have to have condence in the boss. TheAuto Parts. I still remember back in company, or the averageboss has to communicate the current1975, when I was only 19, what he once working person, this is the question thatsituation honestly to his employees.told me when he made a mistake on my you are now pondering. This has hit usWhether it is good or bad, popular orpaycheck in my favor. When I brought it fast and hit us hard, and the bad thing isnot, people need to know the truth.to his attention, he said yes, he made a that we are really not sure when it willThere have actually been companiesmistake, but then told me I could keep it end. Also when this is over what willthat have laid people o via an e-mail. (it was $200.00 which was about 900 the new normal be. At the present time,For us as Auto Recyclers, having to laybucks in today's dollars). He told me: (April 13th) this is what we do know: bypeople o is one of the most dicultin business you should always take social distancing we seem to have at- decisions that we would have to make.care of your help, your suppliers and tened the curve, the economy is basi- For some, unfortunately, there may beyour customers. I think of what he said cally in what can be referred to as ano other choice. I told my employeesevery day. drug-induced coma. Un-employment isthat I will keep all of them working as o the charts. People that are on layolong as we remain an essential business.Back in 1943are wondering if they will have a job toIf we have to close our doors, I willARA, your association, was formed come back to, as well as knowing howcontinue to pay them. Our plan is toout of adversity. We have survived for they will make ends meet. These arework on projects; get our house in order.77 years, and we will survive this. We anxious, and uncertain times for sure.Our goal is to hope, and to say whenare relevant, we are needed, and we are Business owners, both large and smallthis does end, that we kept our doorsan important part of the Automotive are wondering how, and if they willopen, everyone worked, and we contin- Industry. We are ROE! Maybe after come out of this also.ued to service our customers. this is over, we will be recognized for The bad thing is, this could veryall we do, and get the respect we well be for our generation, the equiva- deserve. Maybe the OEMs will now real-lent of World War II and the GreatThe bad thing is, thisize that we are not their adversary, we Depression rolled into one. The onlycould very well be, forare a viable partner. good thing to say is, hopefully this will our generation, theThis will be one for the history only last months and not years. There are some businesses that will never beequivalent of World Warbooksthe same. Some will not recover. TheII and the Great Depres- Keep calm, don't panic and we will ones that will survive and thrive will besion rolled into one. all get through this together. In these the ones that are able to change andtough times we all have to put others adapt. ahead of ourselves, make sacrices, and Travel, tourism, entertainment, orAs I said before this will aect usdo what's best for all. anything else for that matter, that resultsall. A/R aging will increase; it will takeRemember the Doctors, Nurses, and in large gatherings of people. will prob- all of our open account customers,the First Responders. These folks have ably never be the same. Will we everwheather they are other recyclers or ourput themselves in harm's way to serve shake hands again? shops, longer to pay their bills. We willand help us all. In this crisis they are the need to be patient with them. MyTrue Heros!Our doors are open approach is this: for my open accounts We, in the Automotive Recyclingthat have a history of being current onMarty Hollingshead has business are fortunate, as we weretheir bill, nothing has changed. We willbeeninthebusinesssince determined to be an essential business.continue to extend credit terms to them.1973andtheownerof Northlake Auto Recyclers, Inc., While things have changed for us inFor those that are slow pay, we willHammond,Indiana,since what we do and how we do it in regardswatch them closely. For those that we1984. Marty is ARA treasurer to servicing our customers, we havehave to chase for our money, it will nowand is on the executive commit-tee. He is a board member of been allowed to keep our doors open.be C.O.D or not at all. Know this: Inthe Indiana Automotive Recy-The government has stepped up withtimes of crisis everyone shows their trueclers Association. Both Marty the Payroll Protection Program, (PPP).colors. Do your very best to support andand Northlake have received numerous awards and rec-ognition for excellence in the industry and the community. While this will denitely be a help to allstand by those you employ as well asYou can reach Marty by phone:219-937-3960 or visit his businesses, it will probably only cover athose you deal with. As bad as thingswebsite:www.narparts.com"