b"28Its all about the people!By Dan Snyder leadership and B esides cars, what do you spendmentorship on your part will help the most of your money on in yournew manager move business? Answer: Its on peo- past this behavior.ple. Look around. Who does all theNow, the mentorship work in your facility? Answer:People.goes from casual conversation to Good people structured meetings. What are business owners and man- These meetings are agers looking for? Good people! Mostnecessary for the of us dont want more people; wetraining required to want more good people.How do wementoring this employee. Have unoffi- guide them along the journey from find more good people? The answercial side discussions where you askemployee to leader.may be right under our nose. It may bethem how things are going. During that the good in the people aroundthese discussions, offer suggestionsMentorship never endsyou just needs to be developed. It is ourabout how to improve or overcomeAt some point in the process, you job as owners and managers to identifyobstacles. These side discussions shouldwill realize you have developed a those chunks of coal and find out howalso include much praise for effort, asstrong, trustworthy, and dedicated leader to polish them into the good peoplewell as person to person recognition in your business. They are one of the we want working for us.of any small wins the candidate hasgood people all business owners When we are identifying a candi- exhibited. yearn for. Now thatyou have created a date for the Good People academy,leader that all businesses want, it is there are some gauges that need to beincumbent on you to make sure that you applied.The top two personality traitscreate the environment necessary to a candidate must have are honesty andAlways observe,keep them. These good people are val-selflessness. An employee who lies ormentor, promote andued not only by you, but by others. who cares only for what is in it for themHopefully, with the time and effort you is a waste of your time and resources.praise. It will help youput into mentoring them, they will have These people can never be good, byretain good people. developed a strong bond with you and definition. Any attempt to fix theseyour company. Beyond this bond, think people will surely lead to disappoint- of ways you can tie these leaders to you ment for you. Additional indicators thatand your business. Examples to consider an employee may be one to develop are:Public recognition may be Phantom stock, profit sharing, their proclivity to follow rules, theirIt is important to reward excellentdeferred comp, and even business own-desire to learn more beyond the scopebehavior with public recognition. ership options. Dig deep and be cre-of their current job description, andPrivate discussions and praise go a longative. above average pride in their work. way, but eventually the candidate willAlways observe, mentor, promote need public recognition for their hardand praise. It will help you retain the Time for testing work and sacrifice. Promotion to agood people needed to sustain a great Once you identify a potential can- higher position, even if you need tobusiness over time.didate, the next step is to test them.make a new position in your company, Keep the employee in their currentis important. This public recognition isDan Snyder - Dan graduated in position, but assign them additionalalso important for the visibility to other1988withaB.A.inEconomicsand duties that have increased amounts ofemployees. Beware, his promotion mayManagementfromBeloitCollegein responsibility and workload. Watchcreate some jealousy from others whoBeloit, Wisconsin. Since August 10, how they react. If they react with frus- were the candidates equal previously.1988, Snyder Salvage has grown with a tration, and somewhere along the wayThis internal strife especially occurs ifnew name (Snyder's Certied Auto & Truck Parts) to a 60 acre state-of-the-art they mutter the words I cant, youthe candidate is promoted directly aboverecyclingfacility.Snyder'snowhascloseto100 should be wary. This candidate is notothers he worked with in the past. Howemployees at that location and uses 14 delivery routes to one to continue with. If they bucklethe candidate and other employees reactservice markets in Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Temple, down and work harder in an attempt toto the promotion is very telling aboutKilleen, Waco and all other communities in Central Texas. In 2007, Dan and his two brothers, Andy and Travis, get it all done, and maybe even stresshow emotionally mature they are andstarted a new company and entered into the Self Service out, thats good. If they find a way tohow seriously you should consider themrecycling business with a Greeneld location built in get both their main job duties and theirfor leadership roles in the future. ManyBelton, Texas. Since then, the three brothers have additional duties completed in a satis- newly minted managers first reactionsopened4 otherWrench-A-Partlocationsin Austin, factory manner by becoming more orga- will be to manage by force. This is nor- (2010), Lubbock (2014), Holland (2015, and San Antonio (2018). The original Full Service facility and the ve Self nized and efficient, you have a definitemal and should be noted; but it is not aServicefacilitiesemployabout250employees.-keeper. The next step is to start activelyproblem that cannot be overcome. Goodwww.snydersalvage.comwww.wrenchapart.com"